swimming blog In the fast lane

We have all seen competitive swimmers swim with such ease and smoothness. The way their arms move over the water looks like it does not cost them any energy at all. The arm recovery is when swimmers take a tiny break from swimming after each pull-th... read on »

The life of a fisherman; patiently waiting for the right catch. Being very careful, reeling the line in slowly to give the impression that the bait is alive. This patience for the catch is precisely the patience you need as a swimmer for yours. For those... read on »

Do you want to know how to put the fun back into your swimming? Get creative. There is no “B” for boring in swimming, so don’t let yourself or others convince you there is. Swimming is so much more than just swimming up and down. It is ... read on »

When you think endurance training, you think lengthly distances of non stop swimming. That shouldn’t be the case. Endurance trainings is made up of intervals with plenty of variation. It teaches you how to pace and to maintain your technique, while... read on »

It's not enough you know, just swimming up and down the pool mindlessly and thinking this is going to make you a better and faster swimmer. Because the bad news is, it's not. There is a big difference between just swimming a certain number of lap... read on »


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