swimming blog In the fast lane

In freestyle, the (flutter)kick can add up to 10% to your speed when you’re swimming at a hard pace. That is if your kick is efficient and well trained. So why is it important to train your kick on a regular basis if it adds so little to your swimm... read on »

To become better at anything, tracking progress is a necessity to make sure you’re heading in the right direction. A benchmark workout allows you to track progress, by giving you a clear sense of your baseline. By repeating this benchmark... read on »

Back in the day swimmers never laid eyes on strength training. They were taught that strength training would make them bulky, slowing them down significantly. Nowadays we know this is not the case. Strength and power seem necessary for a successful ... read on »

Top swimmers use a pull buoy to work on their pulling technique or to strengthen their arm muscles. They are not using a pull buoy to compensate for poor body positioning or to prevent the legs from sinking. Watch the video for three common mis... read on »

Time pressure has strange effects on us, including giving us the ability to invent new words as shortcuts. Swimming, being the time centered sport that it is, is no exception to this. From coaches that use specific swimming jargon to fellow swimmers... read on »

A pull buoy is a great tool and can be found in almost every swimming pool around the world, and a lot of swimmers swear by them. Ever wonder why you speed up when you swim with a pull buoy and overtake faster swimmers? Why does it feel like you are glid... read on »


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