swimming blog In the fast lane

Struggling to swim faster for longer? Want to improve your technique and swim more efficient? Core training can be the answer to it all. There is no better time than now to work on your core strength. And to fully convince you, we have some reasons why a... read on »

When you’re not training with a swim coach, it is quite challenging to maintain or improve your technique. When swimming by yourself you’re not able to analyse or get feedback on your stroke. However, there a few ‘hacks' and ex... read on »

This might be the most important thing you read this week. You wonder why your shoulder hurts or you’re not as fast as the others in your lane. You chalk it up to a lack of fitness or flexibility, when in fact it could be just one thing: the catch.... read on »

What are the defining moments in your swimming? Learning a new stroke, swimming 100m under a minute or swimming across a lake. These milestones have pushed you forward and changed you into the swimmer you are. Like... read on »

Are you an early bird or more of a night owl when it comes to swimming? We asked around 100 swimmers what their preference was. We will describe the results with some of the pro’s and con’s. Is there a prefect moment in a day to swi... read on »

Have you spotted one in your pool? A character – a swimming character. Someone who exhibits quirky behaviour that makes you laugh or cry. Like Save-Up Sally, who swims easy all practice until the end when she still has energy to pass everyone.... read on »


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