You invest a lot of time, money and effort in improving your swimming, but if you are not including video analysis in your swimming routine, that investment could be for nothing. Analysing your stroke through video is the fastest way to improve your stro... read on »
Are there life lessons in swimming? Swimming is so much more than just about the catch or a good kick. It can also speak meaningfully into our lives. What might it say then? Go slow to stay fast, what you get - might be what you need, ... read on »
Improve your swimming
Welcome to our Halloween workouts! Get some inspiration for your Halloween workout. Go with the flow, and let’s get spooky!
read on »One of the great myths in swimming is that we need to hold our breath while swimming. The other is that we should blow all our air out. In this blog we will explain why both is disadvantageous and how to breathe in the various strokes and stay as cool as... read on »
Our coach team at SwimGym is one international bunch! As former swimmers, coaches and even Olympians we have travelled to quite some countries for swimming, and have therefore swam in some amazing pools around the world. But the question remains - which ... read on »
We want to celebrate in true swimmers fashion with our top animal drills. Can you guess them?
read on »Competitions are cancelled for the foreseeable future. You will have to wait to race again. And even if you did not have any competitions planned, how do you challenge yourself? Or, better question, how can we help you challenge yourself? We came up... read on »
Comparing the stroke of an intermediate level swimmer to the stroke of a pro level swimmer. There are some common mistakes a lot of intermediate level swimmers make, so check this out to see how this should look when compared to a pro level swimmer.
read on »You’ve heard the phrase, “Train – eat – sleep – repeat.” Have you had a look at your recovery regime? How you train, eat and sleep are key to good recovery. Let’s look at the ways in which you can recover and som... read on »
SwimGym believes a good training plan with good workouts are needed to achieve your goals. Especially if you are preparing for a triathlon or open water race. Here are some reasons why we believe you will benefit from following a training plan.
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